Other Experience
Customer Service Associate
January 2021 - February 2021
Castle Point Anime Convention
Webmaster, First Aid, Arcade Cabinets, Head of Panels
2019 - Current
Utilized AWS Amplify, Hugo, and Git to deploy and update content on a static website, with an average
of 200+ page views a week, for Castle Point Anime Convention.
Developed an AWS Route 53 subdomain for artists and vendors to advertise
their products during the 2020 Virtual Castle Point Anime Convention.
Directed the Panels Committee which reviews and approves panelist applications for the convention.
Store Associate
September 2020 - December 2020
Bishop Dunn Memorial School
Summer Camp Counselor
Summer of 2017 - Summer of 2020
Coordinated and supervised children, grades K-8, in recreational
and academic activities in a traditional summer camp setting.